Founder to Speak on Education Reform
On January 24, 2016, Great Connections Founder and President Marsha Familaro Enright presented a guest lecture on “The Collectivist Control of Education and What Education Could Look Like in a Free Society” at the Atlanta Objectivist Society.
To the packed room of people concerned about the destructive direction of education, Ms. Enright’s presentation generated a stream of great questions and conversation. The audience was particularly interested in the picture of what education could be like if it were in a free, competitive market.
It’s evident that people are becoming more aware of the continuing control of academia by the left and how education is being used to transform young people into sheepish conformists. Ms. Enright discussed the ways in which the new left has achieved these aims, analyzing the psychology, history, even … and economic reasons behind our current state of education. As a tonic to that gloomy situation, Ms. Enright provided a surprising picture of what education could be like in a fully free society, with some ideas as to how to get there.
See photos from the event on Facebook here. Like our page to stay up to date on upcoming talks and seminars for students and adults!
To read more on this topic, see Ms. Enright’s four-part series of articles: starting with University Education As It Might Be And Ought To Be, Part I and Part II followed by Part 3 (“Inspiration Comes First, Then Teaching?“) and Part 4 (“Socratic Practice: A Powerful Method for Learning“).
You can also read more about the current push for standardized learning in public education and the opposition from across the political spectrum in Common Ground on Common Core. In the last chapter, “Liberating Education” by Marsha Familaro Enright, she recounts the origins of the American love of education and the history of public education in the U.S. and details what education could be like in a free market.
To hear Marsha Familaro Enright speak on this topic, please join us at the Maryland Objectivist Society on Sunday afternoon, February 28th in Columbia, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C.
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