Great Connections at ISFLC 2016
We’re excited to announce that we’ll be exhibiting information about The Great Connections at the 2016 International Students for Liberty Conference (ISFLC) in Washington, D.C.
Dates: February 26-27
Location: Marriott Wardman Park hotel.
Exhibiting at ISFLC16
We’ve been exhibiting at ISFLC for years because we know it’s one of the biggest gathering of students who are passionate about ideas and promoting freedom in the world. Our Great Connections Seminar is the perfect environment for students who are interested in not only learning about the ideas of freedom, but living and implementing autonomy in their education and their lives. This summer’s theme for the Great Connections Seminar is “Reason & Love.”
At conferences, we so often meet students who
are tired of listening to lectures, one after the other. They want to talk
about ideas with each other. They want to interact and learn through
conversation. And that’s how the schedule and curriculum of the Great
Connections summer program has been designed: to involve students in all
aspects of their learning through challenging texts and ideas, facilitated discussions,
guest lectures and activities with fascinating professionals, and exciting
outings throughout the city of Chicago. It all adds up to a liberating and
transformative learning experience. Join us at our table at ISFLC to learn more
and to sign up for early bird tuition discounts.
Events Worth Checking Out During ISFLC
There are several interesting events going on throughout the weekend during ISFLC. We’ve listed a few here for you that we think are worthwhile:
The Ladies of Liberty Alliance and the Women for Liberty are bringing together women who love liberty from over the world to lunch together at ISFLC. You don’t have to attend the conference to come have lunch, but you do have to be a lady of liberty. It’s a great opportunity to meet other women who are interested in promoting liberty and to share your experiences and build a great support network of fabulous women. Saturday, Feb. 27, 12:15—1:15PM. $20 cash for lunch. More information here.
For students attending ISFLC, there is a one
and one-half day seminar on Ayn Rand’s key philosophical arguments for a free
society. Get together with other students to examine Rand’s writing and its
relationship to libertarian political theory. You’ll analyze her essays, “The
Objectivist Ethics,” “Man’s Rights,” and “What Is Capitalism” in four shared
inquiry sessions. The seminar is hosted by our own Marsha Familaro Enright,
President and Founder of the Great Connections. All interested students must
complete a short application. These discussions start Thursday evening, Feb.
25th, one day before ISFLC, and end Friday, Feb. 26th in the afternoon, before
the ISFLC opening remarks. The seminar organizers have scholarship money to
provide for staying at the hotel for the extra night. Learn more here.
Marsha Familaro Enright will be speaking at the Maryland Objectivist Society on “The Collectivist Control of Education and What Education Could Be Like in a Free Society.” She’ll discuss what’s driving the decline in the quality of education, the real reasons for optimism in our current educational situation, and the surprising picture of what education could be like in a freer society, with some ideas as to how to get there. Sunday, Feb. 28, 2:30—4:30PM. Learn more here.
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