The Thrill of Silicon Valley

Raymie Stata and Marsha Familaro Enright after a wonderful Great Connections Seminar weekend discussing Aristotle, Nietzsche, Dewey, Rand and others.
We were totally spoiled by Raymie’s spectacular
house and hospitality as a seminar venue! We also visited the Computer
History Museum where Ray Stata, founder of Analog Devices, recounted his experiences
working with the legendary Robert Noyce. You can
hear Ray talk about his history in the semi-conductor industry in this oral history from the museum.
After Ray, Raymie discussed his notable career and experiences, among other
things, founding Stata Labs, later sold to Yahoo where he became CTO, after
which he left and created Altiscale, which was then sold to SAP.
About Bob Noyce, we learned that, among many other achievements, Noyce founded
the Semi-Conductor
Industry Association, which brought companies
together to brainstorm and collaborate. This organization was instrumental in
exponentially increasing the industry’s innovation and growth, particularly in
the case of Moore’s Law
At the museum, Raymie arranged for us to see:
1. An original HP oscilloscope.
2. An original Iphone.
3. Most thrilling to me, Robert Noyce’s handwritten notebooks about his work
co-inventing the integrated circuit (Jack Kilby invented an integrated circuit almost at the same time,
although many regard Noyce’s configuration as the more important advance.)
If you’re ever in
Silicon Valley, don’t miss this museum.
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